DONE: TEST: index.html DONE: TEST: rr_fa_html_page_query.html DONE: PROD: index.html DONE: PROD: rr_fa_html_page_query.html DONE: NEW_DIVISION_JAVA_FILES_TO_UPDATE_LIST.txt DONE: TEST: searchMfer01.xq DONE: TEST: searchMferRss01.xq DONE: PROD: searchMfer01.xq DONE: PROD: searchMferRss01.xq keywords=", marc (machine-readable cataloging) standard and related international standards, various marc formats, and related automation efforts and networking activities at the library of congress." LCNAF ===ID:=== 42617 ===MARC Org Code:=== DLC-LCA normalized: dlclca ISIL: US-DLC-LCA ===Organization Name(s):=== Library of Congress. Archives ===Variant name(s):=== Library of Congress. Archives ===Address:=== 101 Independence Ave. SE Washington, District Of Columbia 20540-4680 United States ===Dates:=== created: 2018-03-23 10:57:31 modified: 2018-03-23 10:57:31